About us

This website is the result of an EU funded project by three European community radio organizations to promote women’s engagement in community radio. One of the main goals was developing and testing a body of course material for introducing new women to radio and make their stories reach out and come close to the listener.

Kansan Radioliitto – Folkets Radioförbund

Kansan Radioliitto – Folkets Radioförbund (People’s Radio Association) is a nationwide association with its 10 NGO members and 250 individual members. It was founded 1970. Kansan Radioliitto acts as a consumer organisation for the mass media, and as a communications policy organisation for the development of freedom of speech and communication democracy against the concentration of the mass media. Kansan Radioliitto develops community and civic media activities and implements functional media education forpopulation groups of all ages. It maintains a community radio called Lähiradio (Near Radio) that was founded 1988. Kansan Radioliitto has no previous experience in European transnational project implementation.

Närradions Riksorganisation

Närradions Riksorganisation is the national organization for community radio in Sweden and represent about 600 local radio associations all over the country.

AMARC Europe

The European branch of AMARC has a long history of inclusivity projects utilizing their broad reach to gather best practices and spreading them across the continent.

AMARC Europe is the European chapter of the World Association of Community Radios. The European Federation is representing more than 300 community radios, their national or regional associations and individuals. Since 1994, AMARC Europe has been representing the interests of its members at European and international level, establishing communication and thus the exchange of experience between its members and initiating their international cooperation. AMARC Europe also liaises with the World Association of Community Radios and with various United Nations organisations.