Anne O’Brien
Anne O’Brien, Associate Professor in Gender and Production Studies with the Department of Media Studies, talks about her research on Community Radio in Ireland from a gender perspective.
Birgitte Jallov
Birgitte Jallov (Empowerhouse) talks about best practice approaches to facilitating gender diversity in media from a global perspective.
Dorothee Meyer-Hotlkamp
Dorothee Meyer-Holtkamp (Near Media Co-op) speaks about initiatives to promote gender diversity at a local level.
Mary Lennon
Mary Lennon (CRAOL, Ireland) speaks about the reality of gender diversity in Community Radio in Ireland.
Riitta Haapakoski
Riitta Haapakoski (Lähiradio) presented the WORT project: our aims, motivation and methods.
Tania Napravnik
Tania Napravnik (Claim the Waves) speaks about best practice from a regional-transnational perspective.